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The collapse of the USSR: How did the Soviet Union split?

The last time the Soviet Union's flag was hoisted at the Moscow Kremlin was on December 25, 1991. Then, from the world map, the world's largest state, the Soviet Union, was forever divided and 15 new countries were born. The USSR or the Union Soviet Socialist Republics are at the forefront of the... more

The collapse of the USSR: How did the Soviet Union split?

The last time the Soviet Union's flag was hoisted at the Moscow Kremlin was on December 25, 1991. Then, from the world map, the world's largest state, the Soviet Union, was forever divided and 15 new countries were born. The USSR or the Union Soviet Socialist Republics are at the forefront of the overall development of the world. For example, the first human society to travel to space. The USSR is credited with sending the first living creatures and humans into space.


Why is the USSR formed?

After the First World War, world politics changed drastically. After witnessing the First World War, several European countries joined forces with Russia to build a non-discriminatory world. Which is known to all as the Soviet Union. Although all USSR countries have their own legal systems, foreign policy inter-state relations are largely based on communism.


The USSR, or Union Soviet Socialist Republics, was formed in October 1917. However, according to many, the real path of the USSR began in 1922 during the Russian Civil War. The USSR was formed in 1922 consisting of four republics namely - (1) Russian, (2) Ukrainian, (3) Belarusian, and (4) Transcaucasian. Later, however, the 15 republics became a union.


The main objectives of the USSR were to achieve great improvements, such as free duty-free inter-state and foreign trade, universal improved medical care, food and poverty alleviation, and the strengthening of the military.


The country created after the collapse of the USSR

The 15 new countries on the world map after the collapse of the USSR or the Union Soviet Socialist Republics are:

  1. Armenia
  2. Azerbaijan
  3. Belarus
  4. Estonia
  5. Georgia
  6. Kazakhstan
  7. Kyrgyzstan
  8. Latvia
  9. Lithuania
  10. Moldova
  11. Russia
  12. Tajikistan
  13. Turkmenistan
  14. Ukraine
  15. Uzbekistan


Reasons for USSR to collapse

There was a time when the Soviet Union was known as the largest country on the world map. The country was about 22 million sq km in area. Not only was the USSR huge in size, but the USSR was equally strong militarily. Before the United States, the Soviet Union was considered the world's superpower. After World War II, the USSR or the Soviet Union became known as a superpower.

There is talk that no one belongs to anyone in world politics. With the passage of time, there seemed to be a rift in the unbroken bond of the Soviet Union. After nearly five decades of survival in the world as a superpower, the USSR was finally weakened militarily, economically, and diplomatically. 

Although the USSR was formed with the lofty goal of building a world without discrimination, it did not last long. After the collapse of the USSR, 15 new states were born. But there are several opinions on how this 72-year-old empire came to an end.


1. Internal Weaknesses :

The USSR was largely influenced by Communism. The common people here had no right to express their views. In addition, due to the one-party system of governance, the lack of accountability to the people was sufficient.

Due to Russia's greater power and influence among the USSR countries, the views of the Russian government were more important than those of other countries. Select Russian as the official language. In addition, Russian customs and attitudes were imposed on other countries in the Soviet Union. 

As a result, the rest of the member states of the USSR have become increasingly hostile to the USSR's policies due to their independent views and underestimation. Which subsequently triggered internal conflicts.


2. Fragile Economy :

After World War II, the two world powers, the Soviet Union and the United States became embroiled in a Cold War. Both countries are competing with each other to assert themselves at the international level. Both countries spend huge sums of money to be the best in the world in space research and military. The USSR's economy, which is dependent on oil and natural gas, is easily weakened by trade sanctions imposed by the United States and NATO.


3. Low Quality of Life :

Due to the communist rule in the Soviet Union, the basic rights of the people, such as medical care and housing, were provided by the government, but the lack of employment or breadwinners reached its climax. There was always a crisis in the Soviet Union for daily necessities. Items like toothpaste, clothes, and shoes also had to be imported from other countries at that time. The then communist government was unable to meet the basic needs of the people. The communist government of the USSR gradually became unable to control public anger.


4. Inspired by Democratic Ideas :

Many European democracies, such as West Germany, France, Britain, Switzerland, etc., seeing the improved lives and prosperous economies of the USSR, started a revolution for independence in order to transform themselves into a democracy. The Poland independence revolution of 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR.


5. Black market :

The goods produced in the country by the communist government of the Soviet Union were unable to meet the needs and tastes of the people of the country. This opportunity is taken by a kind of dishonest black market trader. They imported electronics, clothing, and cosmetics from Europe and America and sold them on the black market in the Soviet Union. As a result, the USSR became an import-dependent country. Gradually the economy fell into a fragile state.


6. Provocation of External Forces : 

The United States and its European allies, from time to time, impose international sanctions on the Soviet Union, which hinders the country's foreign trade. As mentioned earlier, the USSR has huge reserves of mineral resources. That is why the country's economy naturally depends on the export of natural resources. The USSR's economy has been hit hard by the US and its allies pushing for a reduction in world oil prices.




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